Collecting Vintage Spider Jewelry

I have been collecting costume jewelry as long as I can remember. What’s not to love about sparkly, shiny, silvery pins, earrings, necklaces, rings and bracelets? For me, popping a piece of jewelry on a sweater or shirt is prozac. My mood lifts, I remember where I scored the jewel. I have to say that I enjoy the comments from friends, family and strangers. I revel in telling the story on how snagged such a deal either at a thrift store or a garage sale.But, my first spider pin really was a gift from my mom. She bought it for me at the Del Mar Antique Show many years ago, when it was possible to afford to buy something there. Now, the show is a traveling museum. I am sure someone buys from it but not me. Why I fell in love with this little set, I really don’t know. I am sure it had something to do about the fly being attached to the spider. The earrings are very uncomfortable. (screwbacks) The brooch is not in good condition either. Love is love, who can say why.

Why? Heck if I know. Is it because Charlotte’s Web is my favorite children’s book? Possibly. I always had an affinity for Charlotte. She really was the ultimate people pleaser writing words in her web to save Wilbur’s life (pig). She sapped all her energy trying to help others and she was pregnant to boot!! I can relate to that. I have a hard time saying no too. My niece’s name is Charlotte, that pleases me. She loves all things vintage too. That really pleases me.
I live in San Diego. There are times of the year that we have large red grove spiders that live in our garden. They make the most beautiful webs. They start weaving them in the early evening, I guess to catch a dinner of night dwelling moths, gnats, and flies. We eat dinner outside watching spiders making webs and hummingbirds at the bird feeder. Really it is better than television. But, my favorite time is early morning to view the webs when they are heavy with dew, nature’s jewels glistening in the morning sun. On the other hand, it is nasty when I walk into a web on the way to getting the newspaper!
I love to read murder mysteries too. Spiders are spooky. They have written and referenced throughout literature. No, that’s not it either. I really believe that I collect vintage spiders because of my love of Halloween. I wear all my spiders in October. No, not at one time!! Well sometimes more than one at a time. I wear them on my sweaters,shirts (on the front and on the back), on my purse and my work apron. It is fun. Fun to collect and fun to wear…
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